2023 Business Grants for Teachers Grant Application

The Chamber will accept completed Business Grant for Teachers applications until Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered. 

For more information about the application process, contact Bryanna Marceau bmarceau@concordnhchamber.com or (603) 224-2508.

Please note that this form does not save answers until you submit. You will receive a confirmation email after you submit your application.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Contact Information

Project Information

This may not exceed $1,000.

Please elaborate on the main challenge, opportunity or objective this project addresses?

Describe your project with particular focus on how it will build relationships or understanding between education and the business community.

Please explain how they will be engaged and how you arrived at your number.

Please elaborate on how you will determine whether your objectives have been achieved.

Include information such as materials, sources of supplies, and costs. We encourage you to purchase from local Chamber member businesses whenever possible. A list of members can be found on our website at my.concordnhchamber.com/activememberdirectory.


ItemSupplierBudget Amount
Six (6) Learning to Read Books
Gibson’s Bookstore

20MB max