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Exit Planning 101 - How to Sell or Transition Your Business: Presented by ACRES

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM) (EDT)


Business owners typically have most of their net worth tied up in their business. Unfortunately, without proper planning, realizing the value of their business through a sale can be extremely difficult. In fact, only about 20% of businesses that are marketed for sale ever actually sell. Thankfully, there are proven methods that will help you achieve a favorable exit for your business. In this seminar you will learn how to increase the odds of selling your business and drive its value up at the same time. We will also discuss tax minimization planning, alternative exit options like ESOPS and intergenerational transfers, how to increase the attractiveness of your business to private equity and strategic buyers, and much more. Come learn what you can do today so that the business you have worked so hard to take care of will continue to take care of you when you are ready to exit.

About the Presenters: 

Seth is a third-generation entrepreneur who grew up discussing business around the dinner table with his father and grandfather. Following their example, he has gone on to successfully launch and transition a law firm, three different business-to-business professional services enterprises, a commercial real estate venture, and a national rare disease nonprofit. He has worked with businesses of all sizes either as corporate counsel, a business consultant, and as a Certified Exit Planning Advisor. In whatever capacity he is engaged, Seth helps his clients find strategic paths to achieve their goals. As a result, he is often the first call his clients make when confronted with a challenge. Away from the consulting world, Seth spends his time at home in Hopkinton, New Hampshire, spending time with his wife and two daughters or out tending to his ever-expanding home orchard.


John Prieto, a Nashua native, has business and real estate in his DNA. Following in the footsteps of his parents and his nine siblings, John is a serial entrepreneur, licensed Real Estate Broker and appraiser. In one capacity or another, combined John has been involved in over 4,000 real estate and business transactions transactions. His deep ties to New Hampshire and the personal relationships he has developed mean that John has an impressive network that he can mobilize to help ACRES’ clients solve almost any business problem. Outside of his professional endeavors, John is an enthusiastic traveler, having explored 25 countries, and an active member of the Amoskeag Rugby Club. With his wife, Jessica, CEO of Michie Corp, they share a love for skiing, watching their kids play sports, and enjoying the beauty of New Hampshire.

49 South Main Street, Suite 203
Concord, NH 03301 United States

Take the elevator to the 2nd floor.

Event Contact
Madison Hendrick
(603) 224-2508
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Tuesday, June 18, 2024 (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM) (EDT)
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