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CONCORD, NH — The Capital Region Food Program (CRFP) distributed 325 cases of nonperishable food items to 17 area social service agencies, food pantries and churches as part of the program’s Year Round Distribution Project (YRDP) on Tuesday, February 20th. The monetary value of this month’s distribution was more than $8,700.
CRFP partner agencies receiving food as part of the distribution included:
B/M Concord CAP, Blueberry Express Day Care, Boscawen Congregational Church – Hilda’s Food Pantry, Capitol City Food Pantry, CAP Mobile Food Pantry, Christ the King Food Pantry, CityHope Food Pantry @ CenterPoint Church, Concord Human Services, Friends of Forgotten Children, Loudon Food Pantry, Open Door Community Kitchen, Pittsfield Food Pantry, St Paul’s Church Food Pantry, Suncook CAP, The Pittsfield Youth Workshop, Warner Connects NH and the West Congregational Church Food Pantry.
As part of the Year-Round Distribution Project, non-perishable items such as canned fruit and vegetables, peanut butter, breakfast cereal, pasta, and soups are distributed at no cost to participating partner agencies. For a complete listing of partner agencies supported by the CRFP’s Year-Round Distribution Project efforts, visit capitalregionfoodprogram.org.
The Capital Region Food Program purchases and distributes food in Concord and 17 surrounding communities. This is accomplished by securing monetary donations, soliciting in-kind services from local businesses and the general public, and collaborating with other community distribution and service agencies.
To learn more about the CRFP, visit capitalregionfoodprogram.org.
The Capital Region Food Program (CRFP) is a private, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to help reduce hunger in the Greater Concord area through year-round distribution of food to individuals and families. Since 1974 this has been accomplished by securing financial donations and in-kind services and by coordination, collaboration, and cooperation with other community distribution and service agencies.
The CRFP distributes the equivalent of over 110 tons of food annually through two initiatives. Forty (40) tons of food is distributed through the Year-Round Distribution Project which is distributed eleven times each year to over thirty local agencies. The equivalent of seventy (70) tons of food is distributed through the program’s Holiday Project.

Additional Info
Media Contact : Jennifer Carleton
Related Links : capitalregionfoodprogram.org
Source : j.carleton@capitalregionfoodprogram.org